Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 5: Sweet Indoor Natural Lighting

OK. Can I just say I'm a tid bit sad right now because this is the last homework assignment!!! But I am WAY excited about how to use natural light properly!! This is what I'm all about: capturing natural moments in natural lighting. Double Wooooohoooooo on these last two weeks :)

So this week in general has been dedicated to my cute lil Kloe girl who turns 5 in a few days. She had all sorts of stuff going on this week, like graduating preschool and performing in 2 dance recital shows (which she totally rocked). So in celebration of her awesome self, I did my assignment around her. I did two separate shoots to choose from, but I posted both because I suck at making decisions- lol. Hope you enjoy :)

Theme of the Week: Celebrating Kloe's Stories :) 

1) Still Life
Back story: Below is Rosie, one of Kloe's horses she reads to and "styles" daily.
Behind the scenes: This is in my bedroom and there is a south and west window lighting the subject. I shot this in the afternoon. Also, I hate messing with tripods, so I rested my camera on the bed to steady it.

f/2.8, 1/60, 400

2) Portrait with catch lights

f/2.2, 1/160, 640

3) Silhouette
Behind the scenes: After I took this pic, I closed the shades to the window on the left and it made it a darker silhouette. It was cool, but I liked this one better because you can see the horses face and it totally looks like it is listening.

f/2.8, 1/200, 250

1) Still Life
Behind the scenes: this is in my kitchen with a west facing window.

f/2.8, 1/200, 400

2) Portrait with catch lights
Behind the scenes: I was laying on my stomach on the counter to get this shot- lol.

f/2/8, 1/200, 320

3) Silhouette
Behind the scenes: this was taken in my living room against an east facing window.

f/2.8, 1/2500, 320


I wanted to give a shout out to Brooke and each class member! The last few weeks have been amazing for me. This learning experience was one of a kind, and I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciated everybody's kind words and the awesome advice from the lovely Brooke Snow (who's one of the best teachers ever!!). I have enjoyed all of the lessons and seeing everybody's blogs/pictures. I'm so grateful to be in this group of awesome people/photographers. I hope we all stay in touch. Happy Picture Taking Peeps!!!!!!!!


  1. aaaw. Thank you for your kind words :) So happy that you have enjoyed the class! You have been just delightful! So happy we get to stay together for another course!

  2. What awesome pictures, Tori! Your photos seem to be infused with your verve and passion -- I think you make a great photographer!! I especially like the second set of photos -- the one of the ballet shoes is precious, as is your silhouette. Absolutely gorgeous! How fun to know you're taking another course!! I am, too -- are we in lifestyle together? All my best as you pursue your passion for photography!! :)

  3. Your pictures are great...what a beautiful the first set of pictures, I thought, "She has the beauty of a ballerina," and then I was pleasantly surprised by the next pictures of ballet shoes and her silhouette! Really enjoyed seeing all your pictures!
