Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 2: Gett'n Creative w/ Shutter Speed

HIGHlights & lowLIGHTS of my week:

I'm totally shooting in manual all the time now- wooohoooo!!! However, my subjects (kids) quickly become impatient while I'm taking FOREVER figuring out my settings. Patience does not run in the family y'all! 

My confidence of my camera skilz increases every day... until I attempted panning. Grrrr panning, I will get you one day!

Speaking of panning... I took about 500 different pictures trying to master this! I tried it on my husband (who gave up running for me by the way), I tried it numerous times with my kiddos, and then a light switch turned on in my brain. hehehe (insert evil laugh here). My problem was either over anticipating the movement or it all being blurry from me not being so steady. So I grabbed my handy dandy camera, some tape, a hanger, and my son's train set. I set everything up on my turn table, and wahlaw! I just turn the table, hold the shutter button, and see a very clear pic of Thomas The Train with a super blurry background. Only problem is, I got a good panning shot that didn't make me feel something when I looked at it. So it didn't make the cut. But I was super impressed with my MacGyver-ness!

A different issue I had that made potentially awesome pictures suck, was when I was shooting for a frozen action shot. With my shutter speed around 1/1000, my aperture was super low. I do love this because I'm a super low aperture junky (I like the blur), but if I was shooting more than one person, all of the faces weren't in focus.

I spent all week going to different places & shooting different events, but the pictures that made the cut were of my kiddos. Cuz it's Easter, and they're so cute and all :)


Blurred Action

1/30, f/18, 400


1/40, f/22, 100

Frozen Action

1/1000, f/4, 100


  1. Love these - especially that first one!!! So cute! Such great clarity on the face and nice blur on the twirly thing (I am brain dead this morning and can't remember what you call those things!)

  2. (I posted earlier, but don't see it now when I wanted to look at your pics sorry if I post twice)...Your models are adorable, and the pinwheel is so iconic "childhood" it is just perfect...Great memories!

  3. You just absolutely crack me up! And your photos are fantastic!! Love the one of your little boy running -- that curly hair is adorable! And my favorite has to be the one in the field -- absolutely beautiful, and a great memory to scrapbook! Can't wait to see your photos next week!
